Arrowsmith School - Toronto Private School

Liste des écoles privées in Toronto

Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith School Peterborough are privately owned co-educational and non-denominational day schools that are dedicated to helping students with learning disabilities. Arrowsmith School in Toronto was established in 1980 and Arrowsmith School Peterborough opened in 2005.

The Arrowsmith Program is founded on neuroscience research and 30 years of experience demonstrating that it is possible for students to strengthen the weak cognitive capacities underlying their learning dysfunctions through a program of specific cognitive exercises.

The Arrowsmith Program identifies, intervenes and strengthens the weak cognitive capacities that affect learning. Students are able to capitalize on their increased learning capacities and after a three or four year program can function without special education assistance or program accommodations. The Arrowsmith Program is suitable for students with mild to severe learning problems.

Arrowsmith Program refers both to the Arrowsmith Program methodology and also to our affiliated organization that make the Arrowsmith Program available to public and private schools in Canada and the United States.

As well as providing the Arrowsmith Program of cognitive exercises, Arrowsmith Program provides a comprehensive teacher training course, continuing professional development, year-round support for all Arrowsmith Program classroom teachers, a detailed web-based assessment for all students and ongoing monitoring and supervision of student progress over the internet and liaison with Arrowsmith Program Coordinators during the school year.