The Linden School - Toronto Private School

Liste des écoles privées in Toronto

The Linden School is an academic girl-centred school which reflects, responds to and promotes the experience, voice and development of young women in its policies, structures, programmes and curriculum, utilizing the most current and credible resources, and which empowers its graduates to become full participants in, and to take on leadership roles in, local, national or international arenas.

This mission incorporates the principles of: excellence, equality, equity, justice, service and learning as a lifelong process in a community of learners.
The Linden School, a non-profit charitable institution, is a unique combination of the research, experience and passion of its founders. Understanding Linden requires understanding its cofounders and what they set out to accomplish. After decades in both the public and private school systems, including stints as teachers and administrators at an established private girls' school, both grew concerned that these schools were not meeting the needs of today's young women, and that they were modeled to reflect 19th century British boys schools. When the two women met with resistance to their ideas, they decided that it was time to start a school of their own.

What makes The Linden School unique?

Linden is the only school in Canada that was specifically created to incorporate cutting-edge research on girls' learning style and educational needs, particularly during adolescence and key development stages. Linden's founders and teachers have utilized this research to establish a unique curriculum and environment which reflects the latest and most credible information on how girls learn best.

Linden does not overlook the fundamentals that comprise the core curriculum in other schools. Far from it. While complying with all Ministry of Education requirements, Linden offers a more ambitious and comprehensive programme. On top of the basics, it delivers a highly-enriched, academically-challenging programme that engages girls to become active participants in their own learning. Linden's approach to learning applies not just to specific classroom subjects, but to everything that happens at the school. This not only includes reading and writing, math and science, art and language, but also co-curricular activities, and relationships between younger and older girls who become their mentors and role models.

In academic scope, the schools that Linden seems to have most in common with are the "seven sister colleges" in New England and St. Hilda's College at Oxford.